Submit a ticket

Request reviews

Reviews from happy customers, friends, and family are an excellent way to highlight your experience and provide authentic insight into the quality of care you provide.

Provide at least one (1) contact who is willing to give a review on your behalf. They will receive an email requesting a brief review to help showcase your credibility to Upwards parents. 

The more reviews you receive, the more credibility you'll build.

To request a review:

1. Tap on the upper right corner on your profile picture or your initials 

2. Select the "Getting Started" section

3. Tap on "Tips & Best Practices"

4. Select the "Request Reviews" option

5. Scroll down and tap on "Add Friend"

6. Please provide the name and email address of the person you'll be requesting the information from. Feel free to include an optional message for them as well. 

7. Tap on "Save"

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